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Results By Authority
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a Results
a arcial Results
a e s national degree college Results
a ecolecatholique conseil des écoles catholiques du centre-est Results
a health institute based in ústí nad labem Results
a health institute based in ústí nad labem stadt:ústí nad labem postleitzahl:40001 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
a health institute based in ústí nad labem stadt:ústí nad labem postleitzahl:40001 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson:www.diasorin.com e Results
a health institute based in ústí nad labem stadt:ústí nad labem postleitzahl:40001 land, gliederung (nuts): ústecký kraj (cz042) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
a lot stadt:amsterdam postleitzahl:1081ja land, gliederung (nuts): groot Results
a monument of silence stadt:praha postleitzahl:11800 land, gliederung (nuts): hlavní m?sto praha (cz010) land:tschechien kontaktperson:provozní ?editelka e Results
a oficina centro de artes e mesteres tradicionais de guimarães, ciprl portugal,braga,guimarães country: portugal Results
a p j abdul kalam technological university Results
a parting stadt:leeuwarden postleitzahl:8932 nx land, gliederung (nuts): noord Results
a roof for all Results
a roof for all stadt:nîmes postleitzahl:30914 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson:un toit pour tous e Results
a snack Results
a snack stadt:metz cedex 01 postleitzahl:57014 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
a&t2000 s.p.a. stadt:codroipo postleitzahl:33033 land, gliederung (nuts): udine (ith42) land:italien kontaktperson:rup e Results
a) client (awarding body) / procurement body: official name: state office for construction and real estate hesse central branch central allocation street: dieselstraße 1 Results
a) client (awarding body) / procurement body: official name:magistrate of the university city of gießen Results
a) client (awarding body) / procurement body: official name:the magistrate of the city of bad soden am taunus street:königsteiner straße 73 city/town:65812 bad soden am taunus country:germany (de) e Results
a) client (awarding body)/procuring body: official name:technische hochschule mittelhessen street:wiesenstraße 14 city/town:35390 gießen country:germany (de) contact point(s): purchasing attn. from:kai schneider telephone:0641 309 1088 email Results
a) client (awarding body): official name: state office for construction and real estate hesse, north branch street: leuschnerstrasse 75 city/town: 34131 kassel country: germany (de) email: henrike.ziehn@lbih.hessen.de procurement body: offici Results
a) client (awarding body): official name:magistrate of the city of haiger street:marktplatz 7 city/town:35708 haiger country:germany (de) contact point(s): fire and civil protection department attn. from: mr. a. dilauro telephone: 02773/811 Results
a. d. a. m. Results
a. p. møller and wife chastine mc Results
a. r. m. Results
a.am.p.s. environmental public service company s.p.a. stadt:livorno postleitzahl:57121 land, gliederung (nuts): livorno (iti16) land:italien kontaktperson:m. bigongiari e Results
a.c.a. spa in house providing Results
a.c.a. spa in house providing stadt:pescara postleitzahl:65125 land, gliederung (nuts): l’aquila (itf11) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
a.c.t.a. s.p.a. stadt:potenza postleitzahl:85100 land, gliederung (nuts): potenza (itf51) land:italien kontaktperson:leonardo claps e Results
a.d.i. gaz pojorata Results
a.di.s.u.r.c. company for the right to university education of the campania region stadt:napoli postleitzahl:80133 land, gliederung (nuts): napoli (itf33) land:italien kontaktperson:arch. angelo mancusi e Results
a.di.s.u.r.c. company for the right to university education of the campania region stadt:napoli postleitzahl:80133 land, gliederung (nuts): napoli (itf33) land:italien kontaktperson:dott. gennaro basile e Results
a.g.s. spa stadt:peschiera del garda postleitzahl:37019 land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson:carlo alberto voi e Results
a.k.s.d. city management limited liability company Results
a.k.s.d. municipal management limited liability company Results
a.k.s.d. municipal management limited liability company stadt:debrecen postleitzahl:4031 land, gliederung (nuts): hajdú Results
a.l.e.r. milan stadt:milano postleitzahl:20133 land, gliederung (nuts): milano (itc4c) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
a.l.e.r. milano viale romagna n. 26 milano 20133 it +39 0273921 protogen@pec.aler.mi.it https://www.ariaspa.it/wps/portal/aria/home/bandi Results
a.l.e.r. milano viale romagna n. 26 milano 20133 it +39 0273921 protogen@pec.aler.mi.it www.aler.mi.it Results
a.l.i.e stadt:sainte clotilde postleitzahl:97491 land, gliederung (nuts): la réunion (fry40) land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
a.m.a.g.a. spa. stadt:abbiategrasso (mi) postleitzahl:20081 land, gliederung (nuts): milano (itc4c) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
a.n.s stadt:paris postleitzahl:75015 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
a.o. san giuseppe moscati Results
a.o. san pio of benevento Results
a.o. sant'andrea Results
a.o. st. johann in tirol district hospital stadt:st. johann in tirol postleitzahl:6380 land, gliederung (nuts): land:österreich kontaktperson:di klaus schickhofer e Results
a.o.r.n. santobono pausilipon via teresa ravaschieri 8 napoli 80122 it riccardo savastano +39 0812205227 r.savastano@santobonopausilipon.it www.santobonopausilipon.it Results
a.o.u. "louis vanvitelli" Results
a.o.u. "major of charity" of novara Results
a.o.u. polyclinic "gaspar rodolico Results
a.o.u. polyclinic "gaspare rodolico Results
a.o.u. united hospitals foggia Results
a.p.m. multiservice company macerata s.p.a. stadt:macerata postleitzahl:62100 land, gliederung (nuts): macerata (iti33) land:italien kontaktperson:rag. francesco ceresani e Results
a.r.i.f., agenzia regionale per le attività irrigue e forestali della puglia via delle magnolie, 6 modugno 70026 it f.frattaruolo@arif.regione.puglia.it https://arifpuglia.tuttogare.it Results
a.r.n.a.s. "civic Results
a.r.p.a. Results
a.r.p.a.v. regional agency for environmental prevention and protection of veneto stadt:padova postleitzahl:35121 land, gliederung (nuts): padova (ith36) land:italien kontaktperson:dott.ssa antonella spolaore e Results
a.r.t.e. genova via b. castello, 3 genova 16121 it ing. giordano bertelà +39 0105390333 +39 0105390317 g.bertela@arte.ge.it https://www.arte.ge.it/ Results
a.s.a. azienda servizi ambientali s.p.a. via del gazometro, 9 livorno 57122 it +39 0586242821 +39 0586246515 appalti@asa.livorno.it https://www.asaspa.it Results
a.s.a. company services environmental s.p.a. stadt:livorno postleitzahl:57122 land, gliederung (nuts): livorno (iti16) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
a.s.a. company services environmental s.p.a. stadt:livorno postleitzahl:57122 land, gliederung (nuts): livorno (iti16) land:italien kontaktperson:area approvvigionamenti e appalti e Results
a.s.a. environmental services company s.p.a. Results
a.s.b.l city of hope stadt: postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): land:belgien kontaktperson:sylviane vluggen e Results
a.s.b.l. health & insurance saint luc bouge clinic stadt:bouge postleitzahl:5004 land, gliederung (nuts): land:belgien kontaktperson:naomi bouchat e Results
a.s.b.l. health & welfare clinic saint luc bouge Results
a.s.l. avellino Results
a.s.l. citta~ di torino via san secondo, 29 torino 10128 it s.c. acquisti +39 0115662204 +39 0115662293 beni.servizi@aslcittaditorino.it http://www.aslcittaditorino.it Results
a.s.l. naples 1 center Results
a.s.l. napoli 3 south stadt:castellammare di stabia postleitzahl:80053 land, gliederung (nuts): napoli (itf33) land:italien kontaktperson:domenico tomo e Results
a.s.l. napoli 3 sud Results
a.s.s.t degli spedali civili di brescia piazzale spedali civili, 1 brescia 25123 it sc gestione acquisti Results
a.s.s.t. di bergamo ovest piazzale ospedale n. 1 treviglio 24047 it s.c. gestione acquisti provveditorato economato +039 363424005 +039 363424404 ufficiogare@asst Results
a.s.s.t. di cremona stadt:cremona postleitzahl:26100 land, gliederung (nuts): cremona (itc4a) landitalien kontaktperson: e Results
a.s.s.t. di cremona viale concordia 1 cremona 26100 it dr.ssa susanna aschedamini +39 0372405466 +39 0372405650 economato@asst Results
a.s.s.t. of cremona stadt:cremona postleitzahl:26100 land, gliederung (nuts): cremona (itc4a) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
a.s.t. of ascoli piceno stadt:ascoli piceno postleitzahl:63100 land, gliederung (nuts): ascoli piceno (iti34) land:italien kontaktperson:acquisti e logistica e Results
a.s.t. pesaro urbino territorial health authority Results
a.s.t. pesaro urbino territorial health company stadt:ancona postleitzahl:61121 land, gliederung (nuts): ancona (iti32) land:italien kontaktperson:daniela masci e Results
a.s.z. autonomous care institution Results
a.ö. bkh kufstein stadt:kufstein postleitzahl:6330 land, gliederung (nuts): land:österreich kontaktperson:ing. elmar bonfanti e Results
a.ö. krankenhaus st. josef braunau gmbh ringstraße 60 braunau 5280 at jastrinsky baumanagement +43 662822757 office@jastrinsky.at https://www.jastrinsky.at Results
a/s storebælt Results
a/s storebælt stadt:københavn v postleitzahl:1601 land, gliederung (nuts): byen københavn (dk011) land:dänemark kontaktperson:sbf Results
a/s øresund stadt:københavn v postleitzahl:1601 land, gliederung (nuts): byen københavn (dk011) land:dänemark kontaktperson:rasmus haak e Results
a/s øresund stadt:københavn v postleitzahl:1601 land, gliederung (nuts): byen københavn (dk011) land:dänemark kontaktperson:sbf Results
a212 Results
a270 Results
a2a ciclo idrico s.p.a. stadt:brescia postleitzahl:25124 land, gliederung (nuts): brescia (itc47) land:italien kontaktperson:a2a s.p.a. dge/ptr/pro e Results
a2a ciclo idrico spa stadt:brescia postleitzahl:25124 land, gliederung (nuts): brescia (itc47) land:italien kontaktperson:a2a s.p.a. dge/ptr/pro e Results
a2a smartcity s.p.a. stadt:brescia postleitzahl:25124 land, gliederung (nuts): brescia (itc47) landitalien kontaktperson:a2a s.p.a. dge/ptr/pro e Results
a2a spa stadt:brescia postleitzahl:25124 land, gliederung (nuts): brescia (itc47) land:italien kontaktperson:a2a s.p.a. dge/ptr/pro e Results
aa and maas water board stadt:~s Results
aa en hunze public primary education foundation stadt:gieten postleitzahl:9461bh land, gliederung (nuts): noord Results
aabenraa municipality Results
aabenraa municipality stadt:aabenraa postleitzahl:6200 land, gliederung (nuts): land:dänemark kontaktperson:inga kristensen e Results
aachen city region Results
aachen city region stadt:aachen postleitzahl:52070 land, gliederung (nuts): städteregion aachen (dea2d) land:deutschland kontaktperson:dezernat vi Results
aachen university hospital aör stadt:aachen postleitzahl:52074 land, gliederung (nuts): städteregion aachen (dea2d) land:deutschland kontaktperson:vergabestelle e Results
aai cargo logistics and allied services company limited Results
aaiclas Results
aalborg forsyning stadt:vodskov postleitzahl:9310 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland?(dk050) landdänemark kontaktperson:simon lang rasmussen e Results
aalborg forsyning stadt:vodskov postleitzahl:9310 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland?(dk050) landdänemark kontaktperson:troels lind riishøj e Results
aalborg kloak a/s Results
aalborg kloak a/s stadt:vodskov postleitzahl:9310 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:christine søndergaard pedersen e Results
aalborg kommune boulevarden 13 aalborg 9000 dk katrine krog madsen +45 99313131 katrine@aalborg.dk https://www.aalborg.dk Results
aalborg municipality Results
aalborg municipality stadt:aalborg postleitzahl:9000 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:christoffer goul kilinc andersen e Results
aalborg municipality stadt:aalborg postleitzahl:9000 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:hanne krogsgaard hansen e Results
aalborg municipality stadt:aalborg postleitzahl:9000 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:katrine krog madsen e Results
aalborg municipality stadt:aalborg postleitzahl:9000 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:thomas søndergaard e Results
aalborg municipality, city and country stadt:nørresundby postleitzahl:9400 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:birger kidmose e Results
aalborg renovation stadt:aalborg postleitzahl:9000 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:christine søndergaard pedersen e Results
aalborg service a/s Results
aalborg universitet fredrik bajers vej 5 aalborg 9100 dk anja piening +45 51838024 ap@nplaw.dk www.aau.dk Results
aalborg universitet fredrik bajers vej 7f aalborg øst 9220 dk morten denaa +45 99403949 md@adm.aau.dk https://www.ethics.dk/ethics/eo#/02095e57 Results
aalborg university Results
aalborg university stadt:aalborg øst postleitzahl:9220 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:helle wulff e Results
aalborg university stadt:aalborg øst postleitzahl:9220 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:philip mora Results
aalborg university stadt:aalborg øst postleitzahl:9220 land, gliederung (nuts): nordjylland (dk050) land:dänemark kontaktperson:vanesa breko e Results
aalen city administration Results
aalen university of applied sciences Results
aalto university foundation Results
aalto university foundation sr Results
aalto university foundation sr stadt:aalto postleitzahl:00076 land, gliederung (nuts): helsinki Results
aankondiging van wijziging in bod voor selectie van grondonderzoeksveld Results
aankondiging van wijziging in bod voor veldselectie grondkerende ontwerp Results
aargau verkehr ag (ava) Results
aarhus harbour stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:asger gram Results
aarhus kommune Results
aarhus kommune rådhuspladsen 2 aarhus c 8000 dk anders steffen +45 89402000 andst@aarhus.dk https://www.aarhus.dk Results
aarhus kommune rådhuspladsen 2 aarhus c 8000 dk camilla kjellerup nordquist +45 89402000 cakjn@aarhus.dk https://www.aarhus.dk Results
aarhus kommune, sundhed og omsorg grøndalsvej 1 viby 8260 dk kristoffer bargholz bakr@aarhus.dk http://www.aarhus.dk Results
aarhus kommune, teknik og miljø karen blixens boulevard 7 brabrand 8220 dk vibeke hedelund pedersen +45 41855831 vhp@aarhus.dk https://www.aarhus.dk Results
aarhus municipality Results
aarhus municipality stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:aske laurberg e Results
aarhus municipality – properties stadt:aarhus v postleitzahl:8210 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:nastasja schweigler lauridsen e Results
aarhus municipality – technology and environment Results
aarhus municipality – technology and environment stadt:brabrand postleitzahl:8220 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:anna søgaard jørgensen e Results
aarhus municipality – technology and environment stadt:brabrand postleitzahl:8220 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:nastasja schweigler lauridsen e Results
aarhus municipality, technology and environment stadt:aarhus postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:youssef hassan e Results
aarhus universitet stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland?(dk042) landdänemark kontaktperson:ann sophie steffensen e Results
aarhus universitet, c/o max iv laboratory, lund university stadt:lund postleitzahl:225 84 land, gliederung (nuts): stockholms län?(se110) landschweden kontaktperson:ann sophie steffensen e Results
aarhus university Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): fyn (dk031) land:dänemark kontaktperson:kantinemægleren, christina bøg e Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:ann sophie steffensen e Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:jens august aastrup munch e Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:lisette gerlach e Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:maiken nebel e Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:maria hansen e Results
aarhus university stadt:aarhus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:tobias gjerløff e Results
aarhus university stadt:århus c postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:tobias gjerløff e Results
aarhus university (au) stadt:aarhus postleitzahl:8000 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:tim kristensen e Results
aarhus vand a/s stadt:viby j postleitzahl:8260 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland?(dk042) landdänemark kontaktperson:indkøbsafdelingen e Results
aarhus water a/s stadt:viby j postleitzahl:8260 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:christoffer larsen e Results
aarhus water a/s stadt:viby j postleitzahl:8260 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:lise marie jensen e Results
aarhus water a/s stadt:viby j postleitzahl:8260 land, gliederung (nuts): østjylland (dk042) land:dänemark kontaktperson:nina brandsen e Results
aarogyasri health care trust Results
aav Results
aav association for land recycling and contaminated site remediation Results
ab "amber grid" Results
ab "below" Results
ab "below" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:aist? jonuškien? e Results
ab "energijos skirmisto operatorius" stadt:vilniaus m. postleitzahl:04215 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:živil? kasparavi?ien? e Results
ab "klaip?dos vanduo" ryšinink? g. 11, klaip?da klaip?da 91116 lt vytautas lekstutis +370 46466201 vytautas.lekstutis@vanduo.lt http://www.vanduo.lt Results
ab "klaip?dos vanduo" stadt:klaip?da postleitzahl:91116 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:rasa sevostjanova e Results
ab "klaip?dos vanduo" stadt:klaip?da postleitzahl:91116 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:vytautas lekstutis e Results
ab "klaip?dos vanduo" stadt:klaip?da postleitzahl:91116 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:egl? brusokien? e Results
ab "klaip?dos vanduo" stadt:klaip?da postleitzahl:91116 land, gliederung (nuts): klaip?dos apskritis (lt023) land:litauen kontaktperson:vytautas lekstutis e Results
ab "klaipeda water" Results
ab "klaipedos vanduo" Results
ab "kn energies" Results
ab "kn energies" stadt:klaip?da postleitzahl:92276 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:gintar? žilinskien? e Results
ab "kn energies" stadt:klaip?da postleitzahl:92276 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:paulius želvys e Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" geležinkelio g. 16 vilnius 02100 lt agn? mikalaikevi?i?t? +370 61531442 agne.mikalaikeviciute@ltg.lt http://www.litrail.lt Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" geležinkelio g. 16 vilnius 02100 lt erika oleškevi?ien? +370 66785208 erika.oleskeviciene@ltg.lt http://www.litrail.lt Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" geležinkelio g. 16 vilnius 02100 lt gintar? urbonait? +370 61588953 gintare.urbonaite@ltg.lt http://www.litrail.lt Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" geležinkelio g. 16 vilnius 02100 lt kristina šalomskien? +370 61549204 kristina.salomskiene@ltg.lt http://www.litrail.lt Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" geležinkelio g. 16 vilnius 02100 lt milda žilinskien? +370 66583881 milda.zilinskiene@ltg.lt http://www.litrail.lt Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" geležinkelio g. 16 vilnius 02100 lt rasa jasmantien? +370 61595899 rasa.jasmantiene@ltg.lt http://www.litrail.lt Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:erika oleškevi?ien? e Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:giedre moliene e Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:gintar? urbonait? e Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:indr? daugialien? e Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:kristina šalomskien? e Results
ab "lietuvos geležinkeliai" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:onut? gontien? e Results
ab "lithuanian railways" Results
ab "ltg cargo" geležinkelio g. 12 vilnius 02100 lt jolanta jonikait? +370 61646042 jolanta.jonikaite@ltg.lt https://cargo.litrail.lt/ Results
ab "ltg cargo" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): vilniaus apskritis?(lt011) landlitauen kontaktperson:jolanta jonikait? e Results
ab "ltg infra" Results
ab "oro navigation" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02184 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:asta veli?kien? e Results
ab "road maintenance" Results
ab borlänge energi Results
ab borlänge energi box 834 borlänge 78128 se marianne.hammarstrom@borlange Results
ab borlänge energi stadt:borlänge postleitzahl:781 28 land, gliederung (nuts): dalarnas län (se312) land:schweden kontaktperson: e Results
ab borlänge energi stadt:borlänge postleitzahl:781 28 land, gliederung (nuts): dalarnas län?(se312) landschweden kontaktperson: e Results
ab borlänge energi stadt:boräge postleitzahl:781 28 land, gliederung (nuts): dalarnas län (se312) land:schweden kontaktperson: e Results
ab borlänge energi postal address:box 834 postal code: 781 28 town: borlänge country: se:sverige e Results
ab borlänge energi nygårdsvägen 9 borlänge 781 70 se maria håkansson +46 243 Results
ab familjebostäder Results
ab familjebostäder stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:120 07 land, gliederung (nuts): land:schweden kontaktperson:anna sundfeldt e Results
ab familjebostäder stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:120 07 land, gliederung (nuts): land:schweden kontaktperson:katarina hamilton e Results
ab familjebostäder stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:120 07 land, gliederung (nuts): land:schweden kontaktperson:martina näsman e Results
ab familjebostäder stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:120 07 land, gliederung (nuts): land:schweden kontaktperson:susanne lamberg e Results
ab habitat Results
ab hallstahem stadt:hallstahammar postleitzahl:73422 land, gliederung (nuts): västmanlands län (se125) land:schweden kontaktperson:håkan jansson e Results
ab holmegaarden stadt:nyborg postleitzahl:5800 land, gliederung (nuts): fyn (dk031) land:dänemark kontaktperson:jette egebjerg e Results
ab jet spol. s r.o. Results
ab jet spol. s.r.o. stadt:praha Results
ab karlskronahem Results
ab klaipedos nafta Results
ab lietuvos automobili? keli? direkcija j. basanavi?iaus g. 36 vilnius 03109 lt inga latv?n? +370 68720603 inga.latvene@lakd.lt http://www.lakd.lt Results
ab lietuvos automobili? keli? direkcija j. basanavi?iaus g. 36 vilnius 03109 lt inga latv?n? +370 68720603 inga.latvene@lakd.lt https://www.lakd.lt Results
ab lietuvos automobili? keli? direkcija stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03109 land, gliederung (nuts): landlitauen kontaktperson:irena kudzinskien? e Results
ab lietuvos automobiliu keliu direkcija j. basanaviciaus g. 36 vilnius 03109 lt irena kudzinskiene +370 52329600 irena.kudzinskiene@lakd.lt http://www.lakd.lt Results
ab lietuvos automobiliu keliu direkcija j. basanaviciaus g. 36 vilnius 03109 lt irena kudzinskiene +370 52329728 irena.kudzinskiene@lakd.lt http://www.lakd.lt Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:aist? kielait? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:daiva masaityt? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:diana pašluostien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:egl? urbonavi?i?t? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:evelina pacevi?ien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:giedr? molien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:indr? daugialien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:kristina šalomskien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:rasa karmazien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:sandra ?iukšyt? Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): vilniaus apskritis (lt011) land:litauen kontaktperson:kristina šalomskien? e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:diana pašluostiene e Results
ab lietuvos geležinkeliai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:sandra ciukšyte Results
ab litgrid Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03109 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:aist? kielait? e Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03109 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:aiškut? tranien? e Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03109 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:diana magelinskait? e Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03109 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:giedr? k?višait? e Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03109 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:inga latv?n? e Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03212 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:asta volosevi?ien? e Results
ab lithuanian motor road directorate stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03212 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:irena kudzinskien? e Results
ab nynäshamnsbostäder Results
ab pitebo Results
ab sigtunahem Results
ab sigtunahem postal address:stationsgatan 6a postal code: 19540 town: märsta country: se:sverige e Results
ab solom Results
ab strömstadsbyggen Results
ab stångåstaden Results
ab stångåstaden stadt:linköping postleitzahl:580 03 land, gliederung (nuts): östergötlands län (se123) land:schweden kontaktperson:cathrine andersson e Results
ab stångåstaden stadt:linköping postleitzahl:580 03 land, gliederung (nuts): östergötlands län (se123) land:schweden kontaktperson:per claudius e Results
ab transition stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:11136 land, gliederung (nuts): stockholms län (se110) land:schweden kontaktperson:anders häggdahl e Results
ab via lietuva stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03212 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:diana magelinskait? e Results
ab via lietuva stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:03212 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:irena kudzinskien? e Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai spaudos g. 6 Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:05132 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:agn? daunoravi?ien? e Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:05132 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:algirdas leleiva e Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:05132 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:kristina kurpien? e Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:05132 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:mantas pransk?nas e Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:05132 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:vilius pažereckas e Results
ab vilniaus šilumos tinklai stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:05132 land, gliederung (nuts): vilniaus apskritis (lt011) land:litauen kontaktperson:algirdas leleiva e Results
ab vilnius heat networks Results
ab väsbyhem stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:194 22 land, gliederung (nuts): land:schweden kontaktperson:cecilia durchbach (väsbyhem) e Results
ab ängelholm premises stadt:ängelholm postleitzahl:26221 land, gliederung (nuts): skåne län (se224) land:schweden kontaktperson: e Results
ab ängelholmshem Results
ab ängelholmshem postal address:box 1111 postal code: 26222 town: ängelholm country: se:sverige e Results
ab ängelholmslokaler Results
ab ängelholmslokaler postal address:box 1045 postal code: 26221 town: ängelholm country: se:sverige e Results
ab „amber grid laisv?s pr. 10 vilnius 04215 lt laima abrutyt? +370 64157702 l.abrutyte@ambergrid.lt http://www.ambergrid.lt Results
ab „amber grid stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:04215 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:ab „amber grid e Results
ab „amber grid stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:04215 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:marius banys e Results
ab „amber grid stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:04215 land, gliederung (nuts): vilniaus apskritis (lt011) land:litauen kontaktperson:marius banys e Results
ab „amber grid” Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt egl? kaminait? +370 66592178 egle.kaminaite@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt gintut? urbonavi?ien? +370 61436118 gintute.urbonavicien@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt ilma liudžiuvien? +370 61299160 ilma.liudziuviene@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt j?rat? mažeikien? +370 69813933 jurate.mazeikiene@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt mantautas vaitk?nas +370 68288687 mantautas.vaitkunas@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt marija mažol +370 69436794 marija.mazol@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt reda šimalyt? +370 61107517 reda.simalyte@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keli? prieži?ra savanori? pr. 321c kaunas 50120 lt vaida trasikien? +370 69630366 vaida.trasikiene@keliuprieziura.lt http://www.keliuprieziura.lt Results
ab „keliu priežiura“ Results
ab „ltg infra stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:02100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson: e Results
ab „ltg infra" stadt:vilnius postleitzahl:06115 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson: e Results
abacus as Results
abad viñayo s/n Results
abanto zierbena town hall Results
abbanoa stadt:nuoro postleitzahl:08100 land, gliederung (nuts): nuoro (itg2e) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
abbanoa s.p.a stadt:nuoro postleitzahl:08100 land, gliederung (nuts): nuoro (itg2e) land:italien kontaktperson:antonio maieli e Results
abbanoa s.p.a. Results
abbanoa s.p.a. stadt:cagliari postleitzahl:09125 land, gliederung (nuts): cagliari (itg2f) land:italien kontaktperson:dott.ssa e Results
abbanoa spa stadt:nuoro postleitzahl:08100 land, gliederung (nuts): nuoro (itg2e) land:italien kontaktperson:dott.ssa manila pompianu e Results
abbanoa spa via straullu n° 35 nuoro 08100 it dott.ssa manila pompianu +39 07060321 manila.pompianu@abbanoa.it www.abbanoa.it Results
abbanoa spa via straullu n° 35 nuoro 08100 it dott.ssa stefania puggioni +39 07060321 stefania.puggioni@abbanoa.it www.abbanoa.it Results
abbey wood hospital center Results
abbey wood hospital center stadt: postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): land:belgien kontaktperson: e Results
abbg foundation stadt:bussum postleitzahl:1401sp land, gliederung (nuts): het gooi en vechtstreek (nl327) land:niederlande kontaktperson:hevo aanbestedingen e Results
abbotswood junior school ringwood road totton hampshire so40 8eb uk email: operations@invictuspartnership.com telephone: +442081332224 Results
abbott risk consulting ltd winfrith newburgh nr dorchester dt2 8wg gb email: janet.smith@magnoxsites.com telephone: +44 7955399092 Results
abc latin stadt:latina postleitzahl:04100 land, gliederung (nuts): latina (iti44) land:italien kontaktperson:emanuela milanese e Results
abderrahmane mami pneumophistiology hospital tunisia Results
abdul ahad azad memorial degree college bemina Results
abdul nazir sab state institute of rural development Results
abel (21) Results
abel (21) stadt:dijon postleitzahl:21003 land, gliederung (nuts): côte Results
abel (71) stadt:chalon sur saone postleitzahl:71100 land, gliederung (nuts): saône Results
abel (89) stadt:sens postleitzahl:89100 land, gliederung (nuts): yonne (frc14) land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
abellon clean energy limited Results
aberdeen city council Results
aberdeen city council Results
aberdeen city council contracting service department aberdeenshire aberdeen ab25 3rf uk email: derjamieson@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone: 01224489311 Results
aberdeen city council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact denise thomson Results
aberdeen city council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email dsmillie@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeen city council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email smelvin@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeen city council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email stoneill@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeen city council,att:commercial & procurement shared service, Results
aberdeen city council/aberdeen, archives gallery & museums Results
aberdeen heat & power ltd Results
aberdeenshire council Results
aberdeenshire council aberdeenshire council, woodhill house, westburn road, aberdeen ab16 5gb contact darren king email darren.king@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1467533097 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council waste management Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house aberdeen ab16 5gb contact claire scott email claire.j.scott@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1467533371 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact angela cook email cpssprocurement@aberdeencity.gov.uk country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact darren king email darren.king@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1467533097 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact jamie hutcheon email cpssprocurement@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467537301 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact jamie hutcheon email cpssprocurement@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb contact vickie craig Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email cpscityshire@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email cpss@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email cpssprocurement@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467530600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email cpssprocurement@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email darren.king@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1467533097 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email sallie.antill@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email school.transport@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1463702670 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email socialcarecpss@aberdeencity.gov.uk telephone +44 1467539600 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council woodhill house, westburn road aberdeen ab16 5gb email susan.watt@aberdeenshire.gov.uk telephone +44 1467537845 country united kingdom nuts code ukm50 Results
aberdeenshire council,att:cpss, Results
aberdeenshire council,att:david moar, Results
aberdeenshire council,att:jamie wilkinson, Results
aberdeenshire council,att:kerry enaburekhan, Results
aberlandklinik viechtach Results
aberystwyth university 12 science park aberystwyth, ceredigion sy23 3ah contact patrick daniel email pad47@aber.ac.uk country united kingdom nuts code ukl1 Results
abfallwirtschaft dithmarschen gmbh Results
abfallwirtschaft lahn Results
abfallwirtschaft rems Results
abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb des landkreises augsburg stadt:bonn postleitzahl:53119 land, gliederung (nuts): bonn, kreisfreie stadt?(dea22) landdeutschland kontaktperson:vergabestelle e Results
abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb des landkreises neu Results
abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb münchen (awm) Results
abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb unstrut Results
abfallzweckverband rhein-mosel-eifel Results
abg organization Results
abg organization stadt:alphen postleitzahl:5131av land, gliederung (nuts): midden Results
abia state intergrated infrastructure development projec 3b okpara ave, ubakala, umuahia 440221, abia, nigeria,nigeria tel : +234 803 090 7949 Results
abimota Results
abington township, montgomery county Results
ablon Results
abmg Results
aboriginal areas protection authority Results
aboriginal areas protection authority gpo box 1890, darwin nt 0801 Results
abpmer seacole building, 2 marsham st london sw1p 4df united kingdom email: dionne.morgan@defra.gov.uk Results
abrera town hall stadt:abrera postleitzahl:08630 land, gliederung (nuts): barcelona (es511) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
abrera town hall stadt:abrera postleitzahl:08630 land, gliederung (nuts): barcelona (es511) land:spanien kontaktperson:servicio de contratación e Results
abri bishopstoke road eastleigh hampshire so50 6ad united kingdom email: ben.page@abri.co.uk telephone: 03001231567 Results
abri group ltd collins house, bishopstoke road eastleigh so50 6ad contact sharon hunt email gfp@echelonconsultancy.co.uk telephone +44 03003309434 country united kingdom nuts code ukm Results
abrud city Results
abruzzo's sole transport company Results
absalon s/i university of applied sciences stadt:slagelse postleitzahl:4200 land, gliederung (nuts): vest Results
abt associates Results
abt britain limited Results
abt britain limited 1 chamberlain square birmingham se12rd england email: zuzanna.pogorzelska@abtbritain.co.uk telephone: +44 (0)20 3874 3440 Results
abteilung 8 gesundheit und pflege, referat sanitätsdirektion Results
abtsgmünd municipality stadt:abtsgmünd postleitzahl:73453 land, gliederung (nuts): ostalbkreis (de11d) land:deutschland kontaktperson: e Results
abu dhabi general services pjsc (musanada) Results
abwain municipality Results
abwasserbeseitigung rendsburg stadt:rendsburg postleitzahl:24768 land, gliederung (nuts): rendsburg Results
abwasserentsorgung kropp gmbh Results
abwasserverband am walzbach marktplatz 1 weingarten 76356 de abwasserverband am walzbach +49 724470200 +49 7244702050 gemeinde@weingarten Results
abwasserverband main Results
abwasserverband mittlere dill stadt/ort:35764 sinn Results
abwasserverband mittlere dill stadt/ort:35764 sinn Results
abwasserverband wetzlar Results
abwasserwerk der stadt niederkassel Results
ac birk Results
ac, águas de coimbra, e. m. Results
ac, águas de coimbra, e. m. portugal,coimbra,coimbra country: portugal Results
ac, águas de coimbra, e. m. portugal,coimbra,coimbra country: portugal Results
ac, águas de coimbra, em portugal,coimbra,coimbra country: portugal Results
aca Results
aca (azienda comprensoriale acquedottistica spa) stadt:pescara postleitzahl:65125 land, gliederung (nuts): pescara (itf13) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aca s.p.a in house providing Results
aca s.p.a in house providing stadt:pescara postleitzahl:65125 land, gliederung (nuts): pescara (itf13) land:italien kontaktperson:dott. benino di monte e Results
aca s.p.a in house providing via maestri del lavoro d~italia, 81 pescara 65125 it dott. benino di monte +39 0854178206 +39 0854156113 ufficiogare1@aca.pescara.it http://www.aca.pescara.it Results
academia aérea general brigada frank andrés felix miranda Results
academia de politie alexandru ioan cuza bucuresti stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
academia militar batalla de las carreras Results
academic and research network of slovenia Results
academic and research network of slovenia stadt:ljubljana postleitzahl:1000 land, gliederung (nuts): osrednjeslovenska (si041) land:slowenien kontaktperson: e Results
academic lyceum "intellect" of vyshorod city council ukraine, city of vyshhorod, 07301, kyiv region, str. school, bldg. 14 olga yuriivna bondar, +380459625282, intelekt2007@ukr.net Results
academic lyceum no. 1 named after a.s. malyshka of obukhiv city council, kyiv region, ukraine, city of obukhiv (mon), 08700, kyiv region, street kyivska, building 18 inna tsarenko, +380975155567, shkola.tender1@gmail.com Results
academic medical center at the university of amsterdam stadt:amsterdam postleitzahl:1105az land, gliederung (nuts): groot Results
academic region of île Results
academies enterprise trust ground floor london england nw1 1bu united kingdom email: aweed@academiesenterprisetrust.org telephone: 020 3947 5700 Results
academies enterprise trust 183 eversholt street, london london nw1 1ub england email: chammond@academiesenterprisetrust.org telephone: +44 7900827152 website: http://www.academiesenterprisetrust.org Results
academies enterprise trust 183 eversholt street, london london nw1 1ub contact clive hammond email chammond@academiesenterprisetrust.org telephone +44 7900827152 country united kingdom nuts code uk Results
academies for character and excellence pathfields totnes tq9 5tz england email: nick.joneswhyte@acexcellence.co.uk telephone: +44 3003034360 website: https://www.acexcellence.co.uk/ Results
academies for character and excellence pathfields totnes tq9 5tz england email: nick.joneswhyte@acexcellence.co.uk website: https://www.acexcellence.co.uk/ Results
academisch ziekenhuis maastricht stadt:maastricht postleitzahl:6229hx land, gliederung (nuts): landniederlande kontaktperson:olger zegers e Results
academisch ziekenhuis maastricht stadt:maastricht postleitzahl:6229hx land, gliederung (nuts): zuid Results
academy of adminsitration Results
academy of arts Results
academy of fine arts Results
academy of jakub from paradyz Results
academy of korean studies Results
academy of media arts cologne stadt:köln postleitzahl:50676 land, gliederung (nuts): köln, kreisfreie stadt (dea23) land:deutschland kontaktperson: e Results
academy of performing arts in prague Results
academy of performing arts in prague stadt:praha Results
academy of physical education eugeniusz piasecki in pozna? stadt:pozna? postleitzahl:61 Results
academy of social administration Results
academy of the armed forces of general milan rastislav štefánik in liptovský mikuláš Results
academy of the armed forces of general milan rastislav štefánik in liptovský mikuláš stadt:liptovský mikuláš postleitzahl:03101 land, gliederung (nuts): žilinský kraj (sk031) land:slowakei kontaktperson: e Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs sofia, g.k. mladost 4, blvd. al. malinov #1 sofia 1715 bg diana zhorova todorova +359 029829215 dtodorova@amvr.bg https://www.mvr.bg/academy Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs stadt:????? postleitzahl:1715 land, gliederung (nuts): land:bulgarien kontaktperson:????? ?????? Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs stadt:????? postleitzahl:1715 land, gliederung (nuts): land:bulgarien kontaktperson:????? ????????, ?????? ??????? ??? e Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs stadt:????? postleitzahl:1715 land, gliederung (nuts): land:bulgarien kontaktperson:??????? ???????? ???????? e Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs stadt:????? postleitzahl:1715 land, gliederung (nuts): ????? (???????) (sofia (stolitsa)) (bg411) land:bulgarien kontaktperson:????? ?????? Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs stadt:????? postleitzahl:1715 land, gliederung (nuts): ????? (???????) (sofia (stolitsa)) (bg411) land:bulgarien kontaktperson:??????? ???????? ???????? e Results
academy of the ministry of internal affairs /mia/ Results
academy of war art Results
acamir stadt:napoli postleitzahl:80143 land, gliederung (nuts): napoli (itf33) land:italien kontaktperson:maria teresa di mattia e Results
acamir Results
accademia europea bolzano (ocp: 01350001) , viale druso, 1 Results
accent foundation Results
accent housing Results
accent housing limited charlestown house, acorn park Results
accent housing ltd 3rd floor scorex house, 1 bolton road bradford bd1 4as united kingdom email: julie.jenkins@accentgroup.org website: http://www.accentgroup.org/ Results
accent housing ltd charlestown house, acorn park industrial estate charlestown shipley bd17 7sw england email: paul.lodge@accentgroup.org telephone: +44 1274065 website: http://www.accentgroup.org/ Results
accent housing ltd charlestown house, acorn park industrial estate, charlestown shipley bd17 7sw email noreply@accentgroup.org telephone +44 1274065 country united kingdom nuts code uk Results
accent housing ltd 3rd floor, scorex house, 1 bolton road bradford bd1 4as email noreply@accentgroup.org country united kingdom nuts code uk Results
accent housing ltd 3rd floor, scorex house, 1 bolton road, bradford bd1 4as contact mrs julie jenkins email julie.jenkins@accentgroup.org telephone +44 1274065540 country united kingdom nuts code ukd1 Results
accent housing ltd charlestown house, acorn park Results
access e.v. Results
accident compensation corporation Results
accm agglomeration community Results
accm urban community Results
accm urban community stadt: postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
accountant general , uttar pradesh Results
accountant general audit delhi Results
accountant general department Results
accountant general(a&e) Results
accountant general, andhra pradesh and telangana Results
accountant general, bihar Results
accountant general, jammu and kashmir Results
accountant general, kerala Results
accountant general, madhya pradesh Results
accountant general, maharashtra Results
accountant general, manipur Results
accountant general, odisha Results
accountant general, rajasthan Results
accountant general, sikkim Results
accountant generals department Results
accountant in bankruptcy Results
accountants general, west bengal Results
accounting & general services public works Results
accounting & general services public works contact person: brad leveen phone: (808) 586 Results
accounting & general services public works contact person: charles alombro phone: (808) 586 Results
accounting & general services public works contact person: justin souza phone: (808) 586 Results
accounting & general services public works contact person: marcus rivera phone: (808) 586 Results
accounting & general services public works contact person: reynaldo rios phone: (808) 586 Results
accounting & general services public works contact person: sally tamai phone: (808) 586 Results
accounting and corporate regulatory authority Results
accounting chamber Results
accounts chamber of ukraine, , 01054, kyiv, mykhailo kotsiubynskoho street, building 7 shpachenko tetyana vasylivna, 380442987506 , shpachenko_tv@rp.gov.ua Results
accounts chamber of ukraine, , 01054, kyiv, mykhailo kotsyubynskogo street, building 7 shpachenko tetyana vasylivna, 380442987506 , shpachenko_tv@rp.gov.ua Results
accounts chamber of ukraine, , 01054, kyiv, mykhailo kotsyubynskoho street, building 7 shpachenko tetyana vasylivna, 380442987506 , shpachenko_tv@rp.gov.ua Results
accra polytechnic Results
ace adv Results
acea spa p.le ostiense 2 roma it gare.contratti@aceaspa.it http://www.gruppo.acea.it Results
acegasapsamga s.p.a. Results
acegasapsamga s.p.a. stadt:trieste postleitzahl:34121 land, gliederung (nuts): trieste (ith44) land:italien kontaktperson:funzione gare e normativa e Results
acegasapsamga s.p.a. via del teatro, 5 trieste it funzione gare e normativa +39 0407793111 alessandra.massaro@acegasapsamga.it www.acegasapsamga.it Results
acegasapsamga spa Results
acegasapsamga spa stadt:trieste postleitzahl:34121 land, gliederung (nuts): trieste (ith44) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
acepi Results
acer Results
acet s.a. suceava Results
acet s.a. suceava stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
acet s.a. suceava stadt:suceava postleitzahl:720183 land, gliederung (nuts): suceava (ro215) land:rumänien kontaktperson:groza stefan e Results
acet s.a. suceava stadt:suceava postleitzahl:720183 land, gliederung (nuts): suceava (ro215) land:rumänien kontaktperson:stefan groza e Results
acg Results
acharnon municipality Results
acharya n. g. ranga agricultural university Results
acharya nagarjuna university Results
achern city administration stadt:achern postleitzahl:77855 land, gliederung (nuts): ortenaukreis (de134) land:deutschland kontaktperson: e Results
achimota hospital Results
aci chemical asia co., ltd. Results
aci global s.p.a. stadt:roma postleitzahl:00156 land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aci infomobility spa stadt:roma postleitzahl:00199 land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aci informatica s.p.a. Results
aci informatica s.p.a. stadt:roma postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aci informatica s.p.a. stadt:roma postleitzahl:00144 land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aci informatica spa stadt:roma postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aci informatica spa stadt:roma postleitzahl:00144 land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
aci livorno service s.u.r.l. Results
aci sport s.p.a. stadt:roma postleitzahl:00100 land, gliederung (nuts): roma (iti43) land:italien kontaktperson:francesco mancini e Results
acis group Results
acis group limited acis house gainsborough dn211gg england email: procurement@acisgroup.co.uk Results
acis group limited acis house gainsborough dn211gg england email: robert.lakin@acisgroup.co.uk telephone: 01427 675710 Results
acis group limited acis house, 57 bridge street gainsborough dn21 1gg email procurement@acisgroup.co.uk telephone +44 1427678000 country united kingdom nuts code uke3 Results
aclem Results
acm habitat Results
acm habitat - oph montpellier mediterranean metropole Results
acomarket gmbh stadt:wien postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): landösterreich kontaktperson: e Results
acorn education trust Results
acoss stadt:montreuil postleitzahl:93100 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
acqua novara.vco s.p.a stadt:novara postleitzahl:28100 land, gliederung (nuts): novara (itc15) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
acqua pubblica sabina s.p.a. via mercatanti, 8 rieti 02100 it fabio miarelli +39 3357723884 f.miarelli@acquapubblicasabina.it www.acquapubblicasabina.it Results
acqualatina s.p.a. Results
acqualatina s.p.a. v.le p.l. nervi s.n.c. Results
acqualatina spa Results
acque del chiampo spa soc. ben Results
acque veronesi s.c. a r.l. Results
acque veronesi s.c. a r.l. stadt:verona postleitzahl:37133 land, gliederung (nuts): verona (ith31) land:italien kontaktperson:diego beraldo e Results
acque veronesi s.c.ar.l. stadt:verona postleitzahl:37133 land, gliederung (nuts): verona (ith31) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
acque veronesi s.c.ar.l. stadt:verona postleitzahl:37133 land, gliederung (nuts): verona (ith31) land:italien kontaktperson:u.o. acquisti e autoparco e Results
acquedotto pugliese spa via cognetti, 36 bari 70121 it direzione procurement +39 0802343491 c.giordano@aqp.it http://www.aqp.it Results
acquedotto pugliese spa via cognetti, 36 bari 70121 it direzione procurement +39 0805723491 +39 0805723018 c.giordano@aqp.it http://www.aqp.it Results
acquedotto pugliese spa via cognetti, 36 bari 70121 it direzione procurement +39 0805723491 c.giordano@aqp.it http://www.aqp.it Results
acquedotto pugliese spa via cognetti, 36 bari 70121 it ing. simona d~amoja +39 0802343491 s.damoja@aqp.it www.aqp.it Results
acquedotto pugliese spa bari it direzione procurement +39 0802343491 s.damoja@aqp.it www.aqp.it Results
acquevenete spa Results
acquevenete spa stadt:monselice postleitzahl:35043 land, gliederung (nuts): padova (ith36) land:italien kontaktperson:avv. carolina sampaoli e Results
acquevenete spa stadt:monselice postleitzahl:35043 land, gliederung (nuts): padova (ith36) land:italien kontaktperson:ing. mauro ceccolin e Results
acquisitions directorate of the logistics support command of the air and space army stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28071 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección de adquisiciones del mando de apoyo logístico del ejércit Results
acquisitions in akershus, buskerud and østfold ko Results
acquisitions in akershus, buskerud and østfold ko stadt:drammen postleitzahl:3019 land, gliederung (nuts): land:norwegen kontaktperson:jarle ekelund e Results
acquisitions in akershus, buskerud and østfold ko stadt:drammen postleitzahl:3019 land, gliederung (nuts): land:norwegen kontaktperson:linn sundt e Results
acquisitions in akershus, buskerud and østfold ko stadt:drammen postleitzahl:3019 land, gliederung (nuts): land:norwegen kontaktperson:marianne brekke e Results
acquisitions in akershus, buskerud and østfold ko stadt:drammen postleitzahl:3019 land, gliederung (nuts): land:norwegen kontaktperson:victoria bekkeli e Results
acropolis museum Results
acsel spa Results
acsel spa stadt:sant~ambrogio di torino postleitzahl:10057 land, gliederung (nuts): torino (itc11) land:italien kontaktperson:responsabile del procedimento ing. dario manzo e Results
acsr s.p.a. stadt:borgo san dalmazzo postleitzahl:12011 land, gliederung (nuts): cuneo (itc16) land:italien kontaktperson:ufficio tecnico e Results
acss Results
act audit office Results
act electoral commission Results
act government Results
act health directorate Results
act integrity commission Results
act long service leave authority Results
action for children Results
action for children Results
action for children 3 the boulevard ascot road watford wd18 8ag eng email: procurement@actionforchildren.org.uk Results
action homless Results
action housing services stadt:paris postleitzahl:75013 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson:rico olivier e Results
action mental health Results
actiris stadt:saint Results
actiris stadt:sint Results
activar Results
active ageing and community care Results
active ageing and community care stadt:qormi postleitzahl:qrm 9014 land, gliederung (nuts): land:malta kontaktperson: e Results
active and ecotourism development center nonprofit limited liability company stadt:budapest postleitzahl:1037 land, gliederung (nuts): budapest (hu110) land:ungarn kontaktperson:vidonyi dániel e Results
actives de muntanya, s.a. stadt:barcelona postleitzahl:08017 land, gliederung (nuts): barcelona (es511) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
acts (38) Results
acts (38) stadt:grenoble postleitzahl:38100 land, gliederung (nuts): isère (frk24) land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
actual gest Results
actv s.p.a. Results
actv s.p.a. stadt:venezia postleitzahl:30100 land, gliederung (nuts): venezia (ith35) land:italien kontaktperson: e Results
actv s.p.a. stadt:venezia postleitzahl:30100 land, gliederung (nuts): venezia (ith35) land:italien kontaktperson:logistica@eurodieselservice.com e Results
actv s.p.a. stadt:venezia postleitzahl:30100 land, gliederung (nuts): venezia (ith35) land:italien kontaktperson:ufficio.appalti@rigomma.it e Results
actv s.p.a. stadt:venezia postleitzahl:30100 land, gliederung (nuts): venezia (ith35) land:italien kontaktperson:vendite@aliotogroup.com e Results
acuario nacional Results
ad Results
ad elo associação de desenvolvimento local da bairrada e mondego portugal country: portugal Results
ad mepso maxim gorki br. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: jovica sazdovski e Results
ad mepso maxim gorki br. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: lenche temelkova e Results
ad mepso maxim gorky no. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: aleksandra na?evska email: aleksandra.nacevska@mepso.com.mk telephone / fax: 071 200 168/ Results
ad mepso maxim gorky no. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: darko koneski email: darko.koneski@mepso.com.mk telephone / fax: 023149085/ Results
ad mepso maxim gorky no. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: goran antovski email: gorana@mepso.com.mk telephone / fax: 3149074/ Results
ad mepso maxim gorki br. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: goran antovski e Results
ad mepso maxim gorki br. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: ivan korobar e Results
ad mepso maxim gorki br. 4 skopje 1000 url: attn: jovica sazdovski e Results
ada college of education Results
adae Results
adaja, 8 Results
adalbert Results
adam mickiewicz university in poznan Results
adamów commune stadt:adamów postleitzahl:21 Results
adani gas limited Results
adaži county municipal agency “carnikavas komunalserviss” Results
adaži county municipality Results
adažu county municipal agency "carnikava communal service" Results
adb (uk) limited filton avenue bristol bs34 7at england email: support@multiquote.com telephone: 0151 482 9230 website: https://suppliers.multiquote.com Results
adb (uk) limited level 2 kenwood wing whittington health london n19 5nf england email: support@multiquote.com telephone: 0151 482 9230 website: https://suppliers.multiquote.com Results
adb (uk) limited the broadway dudley dy1 4as england email: support@multiquote.com telephone: 0151 482 9230 website: https://suppliers.multiquote.com Results
adc Results
adda inköpscentral ab Results
adda inköpscentral ab stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:11882 land, gliederung (nuts): extra Results
addington hospital Results
additional director secondary education garhwal region pauri Results
additional registrar cooperative ladakh Results
additional skill acquisition programme Results
addl. d.g. Results
address management university hospital of gran canaria doctor negrín stadt:las palmas de gran canaria postleitzahl:35019 land, gliederung (nuts): land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección gerencia hospital universitario de gran canaria doctor negrín e Results
address of chiclana natural s.a. Results
address of the canary islands tax agency Results
address of the cantabrian institute of social services stadt:santander postleitzahl:39006 land, gliederung (nuts): cantabria (es130) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del instituto cántabro de servicios sociales e Results
address of the cervantes institute stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28014 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del instituto cervantes e Results
address of the client official name federal republic of germany represented by the state construction management of lower saxony national identification number 03 Results
address of the ctl cantabria foundation Results
address of the institute of astrophysics of the canary islands stadt:la laguna postleitzahl:38200 land, gliederung (nuts): land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del instituto de astrofísica de canarias e Results
address of the jesús usón minimally invasive surgery center foundation Results
address of the león penitentiary center, mansilla de las mulas stadt:mansilla de las mulas (león) postleitzahl:24210 land, gliederung (nuts): león (es413) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del centro penitenciario de león, mansilla de las mulas e Results
address of the municipal company of cemeteries and funeral services of granada sa (emucesa) stadt:granada postleitzahl:18009 land, gliederung (nuts): granada (es614) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección de la empresa municipal de cementerios y servic Results
address of the museo nacional del prado Results
address of the national prado museum stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28014 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del museo nacional del prado e Results
address of the national prado museum stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28014 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del museo nacional del prado e Results
address of the prado museum Results
address of the prado museum stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28014 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del museo nacional del prado e Results
address of the reina sofia national art center museum Results
address of the reina sofia national art center museum stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28012 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del museo nacional centro de arte reina sofía e Results
address of the reina sofía national museum of art center stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28012 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del museo nacional centro de arte reina sofía e Results
address of the segovia penitentiary center stadt:segovia postleitzahl:40154 land, gliederung (nuts): segovia (es416) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del centro penitenciario de segovia e Results
address of the spanish metrology center stadt:tres cantos postleitzahl:28760 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del centro español de metrología e Results
address of the transfusion center of the valencian community stadt:valencia postleitzahl:46014 land, gliederung (nuts): valencia/valència (es523) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del centro de transfusión de la comunitat valenciana e Results
address of the transfusion centre of the valencian community Results
address of the transfusion centre of the valencian community stadt:valencia postleitzahl:46014 land, gliederung (nuts): valencia/valència (es523) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del centro de transfusión de la comunitat valenciana e Results
address of the uned associated center in madrid stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28012 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:dirección del centro asociado de la uned en madrid e Results
address of the uned associated center in pontevedra Results
address of the uned associated centre in pontevedra Results
adeliaçor Results
ademe Results
ademe stadt:angers postleitzahl:49000 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
ademe stadt:angers cedex 01 postleitzahl:49004 land, gliederung (nuts): maine Results
ademinho Results
adene Results
ader Results
ades Results
adf Results
adgp(technical services), gujarat Results
adi dravidar welfare Results
adice Results
adif Results
adif avda. pío xii, 110 – caracola 16 madrid 28036 es +34 917744804 +34 917674490 contrataciondcc@adif.es www.adif.es Results
adif c/ sor ángela de la cruz, 3 madrid 28020 es subdirección de contratación de negocio +34 913008123 alejandrold@adif.es http://www.adif.es/es_es/index.shtml Results
adif stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:subdirección de contratación de negocio e Results
adif stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif alta velocidad avda pío xii, 110, caracola 16 28036 Results
adif alta velocidad avda. pio xii, 110 edif. 16(estación de chamartín madrid 28036 es +34 913007453 david.fdez@adif.es www.adif.es Results
adif alta velocidad avda. pio xii, 110 edif. 16(estación de chamartín) madrid 28036 es +34 913007453 jrodrigo@adif.es www.adif.es Results
adif alta velocidad avda. pio xii,110 Results
adif alta velocidad c/ agustín de foxá, 56 Results
adif alta velocidad calle hiedra 9 Results
adif alta velocidad stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) landspanien kontaktperson:subdirección de contratación de negocio e Results
adif alta velocidad stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) landspanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif alta velocidad stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) landspanien kontaktperson:rosa cabrerizo ruiz e Results
adif contracting body stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif high speed Results
adif high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:subdirección de contratación de negocio e Results
adif high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:subdirección de contratación de servicios y suministros de red convencional e Results
adif high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien Results
adif high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:rosa cabrerizo ruiz e Results
adif — high speed Results
adif — high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif — high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:rosa samper e Results
adif, high speed Results
adif, high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adif—high speed stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
adilabad municipality Results
adinberri foundation Results
adj Results
adj112020 finance bear Results
adj314100 rickenbacker fo adjrab Results
adjam village council ukraine liliya gushcha, +380973590142, adz_silrada@ukr.net Results
adjara waste management company ltd.adjara waste management company ltd. (ajara wmc),#124 v.gorgasali str.,batumi,6010,georgia,tel. +995 577 23 22 27contact person: adjara waste management company ltd. (ajara wmc) Results
adjud municipal hospital Results
adjudicating company Results
adl Results
admin dopt Results
administra?ia na?ional? a penitenciarelor nicolae titulescu chi?in?u md Results
administracion general de la comunidad autonoma del pais vasco . departamento de salud. delegacion territorial de gipuzkoa. avda. sancho el sabio, 35 donostia Results
administración de infraestructuras ferroviarias Results
administración de las obras sanitarias del estado Results
administración de servicios de salud del estado Results
administración nacional de combustible, alcohol y portland Results
administración nacional de electricidad (ande) Results
administración nacional de navegación y puertos (annp) Results
administración nacional de puertos Results
administración nacional de telecomunicaciones Results
administración nacional de usinas y trasmisiones eléctricas Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avda pío xii, 110, caracola 16 28036 Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avda. pio xii, 110 edif. 16(estación de chamartín madrid 28036 es +34 676517106 lblaya@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avda. pio xii, 110 edif. 16(estación de chamartín madrid 28036 es jorge diego martinez fuentes +34 913007661 jmartinezfuentes@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avda. pio xii,110 Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avda. pío xii, 110 Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avda. pío xii, 110, estación de chamartín Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avenida pio xii, 110 Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avenida pio xii, 110, edificio caracola 16 madrid 28036 es compras y contratación +34 647693357 drecio@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias avenida pío xii, 110 madrid 28036 es dirección de compras y contratación +34 915403535 +34 917674490 cgracia@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias c/ hiedra, 9 Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias c/ sor ángela de la cruz nº 3 madrid 28020 es subdirección de contratación de negocio +34 913008123 contratacion.negocio@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias c/ sor ángela de la cruz nº 3 madrid 28020 es subdirección de contratación de negocio +34 913008123 mfantequera@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias c/ sor ángela de la cruz nº 3 madrid 28020 es subdirección de contratación de negocio +34 913008123 vgallegomendez@adif.es www.adif.es Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) landspanien kontaktperson:subdirección de compras y contratación e Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) landspanien kontaktperson:subdirección de contratación iii e Results
administrador de infraestructuras ferroviarias stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28036 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) landspanien kontaktperson: e Results
administratia domeniului public pitesti stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia domeniului public sector 1 stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia fluviala a dunarii de jos ra galati stadt:galati postleitzahl:800025 land, gliederung (nuts): gala?i?(ro224) landrumänien kontaktperson:dorina statescu e Results
administratia fondului pentru mediu stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia gradina zoologica stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia municipala pentru consolidarea cladirilor cu risc seismic stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:050013 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:carmen bogdan e Results
administratia nationala "apele romane" Results
administratia nationala a penitenciarelor republica moldova chisinau md Results
administratia nationala a penitenciarelor calea floreasca nr. 39 bucuresti 014453 ro alexandru ilie +40 0311303362 alexandru.ilie@anp.gov.ro https://anp.gov.ro Results
administratia nationala apele romane Results
administratia nationala apele romane stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:010018 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:marian manta e Results
administratia nationala apele romane administratia bazinala de apa arges vedea stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia rezervatiei biosferei delta dunarii stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia serviciilor sociale comunitare ploiesti stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administratia strazilor bucuresti stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:020976 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti?(ro321) landrumänien kontaktperson:roxana popescu e Results
administration agency yuri gagarin no. 15 skopje 1000 url: attn: vasile nedelkoski e Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the pardubice region Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the pardubice region stadt:pardubice postleitzahl:53353 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the pardubice region stadt:pardubice postleitzahl:53353 land, gliederung (nuts): pardubický kraj (cz053) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the pardubice region stadt:pardubice Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the south bohemian region stadt:?eské bud?jovice postleitzahl:37010 land, gliederung (nuts): jiho?eský kraj (cz031) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the south bohemian region stadt:?eské bud?jovice postleitzahl:37010 land, gliederung (nuts): jiho?eský kraj (cz031) land:tschechien kontaktperson:správa a údržba silnic jiho?eského kraje e Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the south bohemian region stadt:?eské bud?jovice Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the ústí region, contribution organization Results
administration and maintenance of roads in the ústí region, contribution organization stadt:dubí Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the pilsen region, contribution organization Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the pilsen region, contribution organization stadt:plze? postleitzahl:32600 land, gliederung (nuts): plze?ský kraj (cz032) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the pilsen region, contribution organization stadt:plze? postleitzahl:32600 land, gliederung (nuts): plze?ský kraj (cz032) land:tschechien kontaktperson:pavel konáš e Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the south moravian region, contribution organization of the region Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the south moravian region, contribution organization of the region stadt:brno postleitzahl:60200 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the south moravian region, contribution organization of the region stadt:brno postleitzahl:60200 land, gliederung (nuts): jihomoravský kraj (cz064) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration and maintenance of the roads of the south moravian region, contribution organization of the region stadt:brno Results
administration communale de court Results
administration communale de la ville de luxembourg stadt:luxembourg postleitzahl:1248 land, gliederung (nuts): landluxemburg kontaktperson:tom baumann e Results
administration communale de pétange stadt:pétange postleitzahl:4701 land, gliederung (nuts): landluxemburg kontaktperson:désirée goetzinger e Results
administration for children's services (acs) Results
administration for children~s services (acs) Results
administration for hydrometeorological affairs st. skupi br.28 skopje 1000 url: attn: rade balabanoski e Results
administration for hydrometeorological affairs st. skupi br.28 skopje 1000 url: attn: rade balabanoski e Results
administration of bridges & roads stadt:luxembourg postleitzahl:1117 land, gliederung (nuts): land:luxemburg kontaktperson:soumission.dvl@pch.etat.lu e Results
administration of bridges and roads Results
administration of bucharest hospitals and medical services Results
administration of bucharest hospitals and medical services stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:040154 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti (ro321) land:rumänien kontaktperson:tereza ion e Results
administration of bucharest hospitals and medical services stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:040154 land, gliederung (nuts): bucuresti (ro321) land:rumänien kontaktperson:tereza ion e Results
administration of cemeteries of the city of brno, contribution organization Results
administration of cities roads stadt:gliwice postleitzahl:44 Results
administration of cities roads stadt:warszawa postleitzahl:00 Results
administration of direct contributions Results
administration of health and social services cheb, contribution organization stadt:cheb postleitzahl:35002 land, gliederung (nuts): karlovarský kraj (cz041) land:tschechien kontaktperson:tomáš lacina e Results
administration of kaišiadori district municipality Results
administration of medical officer esi scheme Results
administration of pakruaj district municipality stadt:pakruojis postleitzahl:83152 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:egl? ilekyt? e Results
administration of palanga city municipality Results
administration of palanga city municipality stadt:palanga postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): klaip?dos apskritis (lt023) land:litauen kontaktperson:kristina rimkien? e Results
administration of palanga city municipality stadt:palanga postleitzahl:00153 land, gliederung (nuts): klaip?dos apskritis (lt023) land:litauen kontaktperson:rasa mork?nien? e Results
administration of panev?žys city municipality stadt:panev?žys postleitzahl:35200 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:milda snieškien? e Results
administration of prague castle Results
administration of prague castle stadt:praha 1 postleitzahl:11908 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of prague castle stadt:praha 1 postleitzahl:11908 land, gliederung (nuts): hlavní m?s Results
administration of prague castle stadt:praha 1 postleitzahl:11908 land, gliederung (nuts): hlavní mesto praha (cz010) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of primorsky district of st. petersburg Results
administration of principado de asturias business park s.l. stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28006 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson:administración de parque empresarial principado de asturias s.l. e Results
administration of prisons of the ministry of justice of lr Results
administration of purpose Results
administration of radioactive waste repositories Results
administration of radioactive waste repositories stadt:praha Results
administration of refugee facilities of the ministry of the interior Results
administration of services to the diplomatic corps, a.s. stadt:bratislava postleitzahl:81106 land, gliederung (nuts): bratislavský kraj (sk010) land:slowakei kontaktperson: e Results
administration of solnechny municipal district of khabarovsk krai Results
administration of state material reserves Results
administration of state material reserves stadt:praha postleitzahl:15000 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of state material reserves stadt:praha postleitzahl:15000 land, gliederung (nuts): hlavní m?sto praha (cz010) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of state material reserves of the slovak republic stadt:bratislava Results
administration of state water works Results
administration of the 1st health region of attica stadt:????? postleitzahl:11521 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????? ?????? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:????????????? ????? e Results
administration of the 1st health region of attica stadt:????a postleitzahl:11521 land, gliederung (nuts): ?e?t????? ??µ?a? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:stas???p????? ???sa e Results
administration of the 2nd health region of piraeus and the aegean Results
administration of the 2nd health region of piraeus and the aegean stadt:????? ??????? ?????? postleitzahl:18233 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????, ????? (peiraias, nisoi) (el307) land:griechenland kontaktperson:????????????? ????? e Results
administration of the 3rd health region of macedonia Results
administration of the 3rd health region of macedonia aristotelous 16 thessaloniki 54623 gr chrysa stasinopoulos +30 2103274400 +30 2103274449 ppf_info@hraf.gr https://www.hradf.com/ Results
administration of the 3rd health region of macedonia stadt:??????????? postleitzahl:54623 land, gliederung (nuts): ??????????? (thessaloniki) (el522) land:griechenland kontaktperson:????????????? ????? e Results
administration of the 4th health region of attica Results
administration of the 4th health region of macedonia and thrace stadt:????? postleitzahl:55134 land, gliederung (nuts): ??????????? (thessaloniki) (el522) land:griechenland kontaktperson:????????????? ????? e Results
administration of the 6th health region of peloponnese Results
administration of the 6th health region of peloponnese, ionian islands, epirus & western greece stadt:????? postleitzahl:26441 land, gliederung (nuts): ????? (achaia) (el632) land:griechenland kontaktperson:????????????? ????? e Results
administration of the 6th health region of peloponnese, ionian islands, epirus and western greece stadt:????? postleitzahl:26441 land, gliederung (nuts): ????? (achaia) (el632) land:griechenland kontaktperson:????? ????????????? e Results
administration of the 6th health region of peloponnis Results
administration of the amur Results
administration of the association of c?sis county stadt:c?su novads postleitzahl:lv Results
administration of the association of cesis county Results
administration of the association of malta Results
administration of the association of malta stadt:r?zeknes novads postleitzahl:lv Results
administration of the association of old people of cesi region Results
administration of the association of spellers Results
administration of the cathedral district of dnipro city council ukraine, city of dnipro, 49027, dnipropetrovsk region, shevchenko square, building 7 inna igorivna busyreva, +0986688212, soborna.tenders@gmail.com Results
administration of the cathedral district of dnipro city council ukraine, dnipro city, 49027, dnipropetrovsk region, shevchenko square, building 7 inna igorivna busyreva, +0986688212, soborna.tenders@gmail.com Results
administration of the cathedral district of dnipro city council ukraine, dnipro city, 49027, dnipropetrovsk region, shevchenko square, building 7 inna volodymyrivna bezsmertna, +380988144075, cznpd@ukr.net Results
administration of the cathedral district of dnipro city council ukraine, dnipro city, 49027, dnipropetrovsk region, shevchenko square, building 7 natalia krasilovets, +380969891797, natalia.krasilovets@ukr.net Results
administration of the central district of the mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv, 54001, mykolaiv region, inzhenerna, 1 sharyy maksym oleksandrovych, 380509828125, centender@ukr.net Results
administration of the cesis county association of pleasures Results
administration of the cesis county trade union Results
administration of the city of ob, novosibirsk region Results
administration of the czech switzerland national park Results
administration of the czech switzerland national park stadt:krásná lípa postleitzahl:40746 land, gliederung (nuts): ústecký kraj (cz042) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the danube delta biosphere reserve Results
administration of the danube delta biosphere reserve stadt:tulcea postleitzahl:820243 land, gliederung (nuts): tulcea (ro225) land:rumänien kontaktperson:daniela iurascu e Results
administration of the dricani association of the municipality of r?zekne region stadt:dric?ni postleitzahl:lv Results
administration of the factory district of the mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv, 54020, mykolaiv region, st. pogranichna, 9 anatoly sverhun, +380512478389, a.sverhun@mkrada.gov.ua Results
administration of the factory district of the mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv, 54020, mykolaiv region, str. pogranichna, 9 anatoly yakovyna, +380512362287, az_zakupivli@i.ua Results
administration of the fund for the environment stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:060031 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti (ro321) land:rumänien kontaktperson:magdalena murgu e Results
administration of the fund for the environment stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:060031 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti (ro321) land:rumänien kontaktperson:monalisa margarint e Results
administration of the industrial district of the kharkiv city council, ukraine, kharkiv, 61007, kharkiv region, ave. architect alyoshin, 11 svetlana ivanivna klushina, +380577252746, svetlana.kl.dom@gmail.com Results
administration of the ingul district of mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv city, 54003, mykolaiv region, bogoyavlenskyi avenue, 1 korzhenko anastasia valentynivna, +380512301960, alla170283@ukr.net Results
administration of the ingul district of the mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv city, 54003, mykolaiv region, bogoyavlenskyi avenue, 1 korzhenko anastasia valentynivna, +380512301960, alla170283@ukr.net Results
administration of the kaunata association Results
administration of the kholodnohir district of the kharkiv city council, ukraine, kharkiv, 61052, kharkiv region, st. blagovishchenska, building 34 svitlana oleksandrivna kochetkova, 380671771593,380577253451,380577253480, hlg_adm@city.kharkiv.ua Results
administration of the ligatne association of cesis county Results
administration of the low tatras national park with headquarters in banská bystrica stadt:banská bystrica postleitzahl:97401 land, gliederung (nuts): banskobystrický kraj (sk032) land:slowakei kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the muránska planina national park with headquarters in revúca Results
administration of the muránska planina national park with headquarters in revúca stadt:revúca postleitzahl:05001 land, gliederung (nuts): banskobystrický kraj (sk032) land:slowakei kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the nautren association Results
administration of the navlinsky district of the bryansk region Results
administration of the novokodatsk district of the dnipro city council ukraine, city of dnipro, 49064, dnipropetrovsk region, 77 nigoyan serhiy avenue, building elina koval, +380689973434, elinakoval2303@gmail.com Results
administration of the novokodatsk district of the dnipro city council ukraine, city of dnipro, 49064, dnipropetrovsk region, nigoyan serhiy ave., building 77 elina koval, +380689973434, elinakoval2303@gmail.com Results
administration of the pasval district municipality Results
administration of the pasval district municipality stadt:pasvalys postleitzahl:39143 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:simona valantonien? e Results
administration of the public estate of the city of plzna, contribution organization Results
administration of the public estate of the city of plzna, contribution organization stadt:plze? postleitzahl:30100 land, gliederung (nuts): plze?ský kraj (cz032) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the public sanitation service sector 6 Results
administration of the public sanitation service sector 6 stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:060013 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti (ro321) land:rumänien kontaktperson:razvan stere e Results
administration of the public sanitation service sector 6 stadt:bucuresti postleitzahl:060021 land, gliederung (nuts): bucure?ti (ro321) land:rumänien kontaktperson:razvan stere e Results
administration of the services of the capital city of prague stadt:praha Results
administration of the shevchenkiv district of the dnipro city council, ukraine, dnipro city, 49069, dnipropetrovsk region, str. mykhailo hrushevskyi, bldg. 70 ludmila zimenko, +380660136170, zimenkozakupki@gmail.com Results
administration of the ship district of the mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv city, 54050, mykolaiv region, 314 bogoyavlenskyi ave. Results
administration of the ship district of the mykolaiv city council, ukraine, mykolaiv city, 54050, mykolaiv region, bogoyavlenskyi ave., 314 stepanitsina inna leonidivna, +380512600277, inna_02112008@ukr.net Results
administration of the slobid district of the kharkiv city council, ukraine, kharkiv, 61001, kharkiv region, str. georgiy tarasenko, bldg. 42 tatyana shushman, 380663520946, tshushman@ukr.net Results
administration of the state service of special communication and information protection of ukraine ukraine, kyiv, 03110, kyiv, str. oleg balan, 13 solomyanska, +380442819329, o.balan@cip.gov.ua Results
administration of the tatranská national park with headquarters in tatranská lomnica stadt:vysoké tatry postleitzahl:05960 land, gliederung (nuts): prešovský kraj (sk041) land:slowakei kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the urmarskiy municipal district of the chuvash republic Results
administration of the vecpiebalga association of c?sis county stadt:vecpiebalga postleitzahl:lv Results
administration of the šumava national park Results
administration of the šumava national park stadt:vimperk postleitzahl:38501 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the šumava national park stadt:vimperk postleitzahl:38501 land, gliederung (nuts): land:tschechien kontaktperson:rndr david pithart csc e Results
administration of the šumava national park stadt:vimperk postleitzahl:38501 land, gliederung (nuts): jiho?eský kraj (cz031) land:tschechien kontaktperson: e Results
administration of the šven?ioni district municipality stadt:šven?ionys postleitzahl:18116 land, gliederung (nuts): vilniaus apskritis (lt011) land:litauen kontaktperson:svetlana aleksandrova e Results
administration of urban greenery in košice stadt:košice Results
administration of var?na district municipality stadt:var?na postleitzahl:65184 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:asta daukšyt? Results
administration of varena district municipality Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:diana kundrotien? e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:henrita giedraitien? e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:juozas varapnickas e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:jurgita sto?k? e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:lorinta laureckyt? e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:rita šilingien? e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:valentas gilys e Results
administration of šiauliai city municipality stadt:šiauliai postleitzahl:76295 land, gliederung (nuts): šiauli? apskritis (lt026) land:litauen kontaktperson:viktorija žutaut? e Results
administration of šilute district municipality Results
administration of šilute district municipality stadt:šilut? postleitzahl:99133 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:greta jankauskien? e Results
administration of šilute district municipality stadt:šilut? postleitzahl:99133 land, gliederung (nuts): land:litauen kontaktperson:stas? avižinien? e Results
administration of šilute district municipality stadt:šilut? postleitzahl:99133 land, gliederung (nuts): klaip?dos apskritis (lt023) land:litauen kontaktperson:diana benkunskien? e Results
administration office of the comunidades of north zone Results
administrative and financial services department Results
administrative appeals tribunal Results
administrative appeals tribunal 12061.0 Results
administrative appeals tribunal 2000 Results
administrative appeals tribunal 2060.0 Results
administrative appeals tribunal 3000.0 Results
administrative appeals tribunal 5000 Results
administrative appeals tribunal 7000 Results
administrative appeals tribunal aat administrative appeals tribunal 3000 Results
administrative appeals tribunal aat administrative appeals tribunal 4000 Results
administrative appeals tribunal corporate 2000 Results
administrative appeals tribunal corporate services 2000 Results
administrative center chrono stadt:hardenberg postleitzahl:7773nd land, gliederung (nuts): noord Results
administrative center vco east netherlands stadt:enschede postleitzahl:7544gg land, gliederung (nuts): twente (nl213) land:niederlande kontaktperson:ramon nieuwenhuizen e Results
administrative commission of the legislative branch Results
administrative community of altenstadt stadt:altenstadt postleitzahl:86972 land, gliederung (nuts): weilheim Results
administrative community of feilitzsch stadt:feilitzsch postleitzahl:95183 land, gliederung (nuts): hof, landkreis (de249) land:deutschland kontaktperson:rechtsanwälte prof. dr. rauch & partner mbb e Results
administrative community of höchstädt a.d.donau stadt:höchstädt a.d.donau postleitzahl:89420 land, gliederung (nuts): dillingen a.d. donau (de277) land:deutschland kontaktperson: e Results
administrative community of mainburg stadt:mainburg postleitzahl:84048 land, gliederung (nuts): kelheim (de226) land:deutschland kontaktperson: e Results
administrative community of the municipalities of grömitz, dahme, grube and kellenhusen Results
administrative complex city construction agency Results
administrative court Results
administrative court contractual remedies Results
administrative court of contractual resources stadt:madrid postleitzahl:28020 land, gliederung (nuts): madrid (es300) land:spanien kontaktperson: e Results
administrative court of marseille Results
administrative court of nice stadt:nice postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
administrative court of paris stadt:paris postleitzahl:75004 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
administrative court of versailles stadt:versailles postleitzahl:78011 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
administrative court of versailles stadt:versailles postleitzahl:78011 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
administrative law stadt:stockholm postleitzahl:10333 land, gliederung (nuts): stockholms län (se110) land:schweden kontaktperson:christoffer holm e Results
administrative medical officer esis mumbai Results
administrative ministry of the presidency Results
administrative professional association (vbg) Results
administrative reforms and training division general administration department Results
administrative reforms department Results
administrative reforms department uttar pradesh Results
administrative reforms government of odisha Results
administrative review tribunal Results
administrative services center of the oliivka village council of the zhytomyr district of the zhytomyr region ukraine, oliivka village, 12402, zhytomyr region, str. stupnytskyi leonid, building 68 oleksandr bakovetsky, +380674558700, cnap_oliivkatend Results
administrative trade association (vbg) Results
administrative training institute Results
administrative trials and hearings (oath) Results
administrator of the greek electric energy distribution network s.a. stadt:????? postleitzahl:117 41 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????? ?????? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:?. ?????? ?????? ?.?./???? e Results
administrator of the greek electric energy distribution network s.a. stadt:????? postleitzahl:117 41 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????? ?????? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:??????????? ??????? Results
administrator of the greek electric energy distribution network s.a. stadt:????? postleitzahl:11741 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????? ?????? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:?. ?????? ?????? ?.?./???? e Results
administrator of the greek electric energy distribution network s.a. stadt:????? postleitzahl:11741 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????? ?????? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:??????? ???????????? e Results
administrator of the greek electric energy distribution network s.a. stadt:????? postleitzahl:11741 land, gliederung (nuts): ????????? ?????? ?????? (kentrikos tomeas athinon) (el303) land:griechenland kontaktperson:??????????????? ??????? e Results
administrator of the greek electricity distribution network s.a. Results
administração central do sistema de saúde, i. p. portugal,lisboa,lisboa country: portugal Results
administração central do sistema de saúde, i. p. portugal,lisboa,lisboa country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde de lisboa e vale do tejo, i. p. portugal,setúbal,almada country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do alentejo portugal,évora,évora country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do alentejo portugal,évora,évora country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do alentejo, i. p. portugal,évora,évora country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do algarve, i. p. portugal,faro,faro country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do algarve, i. p. portugal,faro,faro country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do algarve, i.p. portugal,faro,faro country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do centro, i. p. Results
administração regional de saúde do centro, i. p. portugal,coimbra,coimbra country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do centro, i. p. portugal,coimbra,coimbra country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do centro,ip portugal,coimbra,coimbra country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do norte, i. p. portugal,porto,porto country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do norte, i. p. portugal,porto,porto country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do norte,ip portugal,porto,porto country: portugal Results
administração regional de saúde do norte,ip portugal,porto,porto country: portugal Results
adminstración nacional de correos Results
admiral makarov national university of shipbuilding ukraine, mykolaiv, 54007, mykolaiv region, ave. heroes of ukraine, building 9 lyudmila shumova, +380964141094, lyudmyla.shumova@nuos.edu.ua Results
adn nevers 124 route de marzy cs90041 nevers cedex 58027 fr +33 386618160 marches@agglo Results
adoma stadt:paris postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
adoni municipality Results
adour garonne water agency stadt: postleitzahl: land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson: e Results
adour institution stadt:mont Results
adp Results
adp energias Results
adp valor Results
adra Results
adra (tai) cyf po box 206 bangor ll57 9ds email caffael@adra.co.uk telephone +44 3001238084 country united kingdom nuts code ukl12 Results
adra (tai) cyfyngedig ty coch bangor ll57 4bl contact ffion casey email ffion.casey@adra.co.uk telephone +44 3001238084 country united kingdom nuts code ukl Results
adral Results
adrat Results
adrepes Results
adrimag Results
adruse Results
adsu teramo Results
adto Results
adula klinik dr. reisach gmbh & co. kg in der leite 6 oberstdorf 87561 de info@adula Results
adur & worthing councils Results
adur and worthing councils Results
adur and worthing councils worthing town hall worthing bn11 1ha uk email: procurement@adur Results
adur district council Results
adur district council pond road shoreham by sea, west sussex bn43 5wu uk email: procurement@adur Results
advance northumberland limited county hall morpeth ne61 2ef united kingdom email: kerry.davidson@northumberland.gov.uk telephone: +44 7500065685 website: http://www.advancenorthumberland.co.uk/ Results
advance northumberland limited department: ascent homes title: ms clara riach email address:clara.riach@advancenorthumberland.co.uk telephone number: 01670 528404 fax number: mobile number: Results
advance northumberland limited department: procurement title: mrs kerry davidson email address:kerry.davidson@northumberland.gov.uk telephone number: 07500065685 fax number: mobile number: Results
advance northumberland limited department: procurement title: mrs laura tinmouth email address:laura.tinmouth@northumberland.gov.uk telephone number: 0345 6006400 fax number: mobile number: Results
advance northumberland limited county hall morpeth ne61 2ef contact mr dan warnock email daniel.warnock@northumberland.gov.uk telephone +44 3456006400 country united kingdom nuts code ukc21 Results
advanced centre for treatment, research and education in cancer Results
advanced training institute Results
advanced weapons and equipment india limited Results
advantage south west south somerset house, alvington yeovil ba22 8wn contact mr neil biddiscombe email neil.biddiscombe@abri.co.uk telephone +44 1935404566 country united kingdom nuts code uk Results
advertising agency stadt:münchen postleitzahl:80805 land, gliederung (nuts): münchen, kreisfreie stadt (de212) land:deutschland kontaktperson:energie e Results
advertising and marketing communications section of the vienna chamber of commerce stadt:wien postleitzahl:1020 land, gliederung (nuts): wien (at130) land:österreich kontaktperson:schramm öhler rechtsanwälte, z.h. ra dr. andreas gföhler e Results
advid Results
advisory, conciliation and arbitration service Results
advisory, conciliation and arbitration service 8th floor, windsor house 50 victoria street london sw1h 0tl england email: cshillingford@acas.org.uk Results
advisory, conciliation and arbitration service 8th floor, windsor hse 50 victoria street london sw1h 0tl england email: cshillingford@acas.org.uk Results
advisory, conciliation and arbitration service 8th floor, windsor hse, 50 victoria street london sw1h 0tl england email: cshillingford@acas.org.uk Results
advisory, conciliation and arbitration service 8th floor, windsor hse, 50 victoria street, westminster london sw1h 0tl england email: ctasheira@acas.org.uk telephone: 03301093836 Results
advisory, conciliation and arbitration service 8th floor. windsor house, 50 victoria street, westminster london sw1h 0tl england email: cshillingford@acas.org.uk website: www.acas.org.uk Results
advivo Results
advivo 1 square de la résistance vienne 38209 fr +33 474783900 marches@advivo.fr http://www.advivo.fr/ Results
advivo stadt:vienne postleitzahl:38209 land, gliederung (nuts): land:frankreich kontaktperson:berthon nicolas e Results
advocating rights in south asia Results
advokatfirmaet sands da Results
adxtur Results
aea spa unipersonale Results
aea unipersonal spa Results
aeb amsterdam stadt:amsterdam postleitzahl:1045 ba land, gliederung (nuts): groot Results
aebb Results
aecc university college Results
aecc university college parkwood campus parkwood rd bournemouth bh5 2df england email: support@multiquote.com telephone: 0151 482 9230 website: https://suppliers.multiquote.com Results
aegaleo municipality iera odos 364 & kalvou i~m scared 12243 gr spyridula jar vazous@egaleo.gr http://www.aigaleo.gr Results
aegean university Results
aegean university stadt:???????? postleitzahl:81132 land, gliederung (nuts): ??????, ?????? (lesvos, limnos) (el411) land:griechenland kontaktperson:???????????? ??????? e Results
aem cremona spa Results
aena s.m.e, s.a. el matorral s/n puerto del rosario 35600 es maría josé aurioles durán +34 928860570 fuecontratacion@aena.es www.aena.es Results
aena s.m.e, s.a. madrid es ocontratacionmad@aena.es http://www.aena.es Results
aena sme sa aeropuerto de barcelona Results
aena sme sa aeropuerto de palma de mallorca s/n Results
aena sme, s.a, aeropuerto josep tarradellas barcelona Results
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